Day Training

Our Daycare + Training is a service we offer to young dogs needing to learn the basics. Dogs get dropped off in the morning and picked up in the afternoon. During the day they get to play and socialize with the other dogs here plus get training time. This program is only offered to dog social dogs and space is very limited.

We work on things like:

  • Obedience (sit, down, stay, etc.)

  • Leash walking

  • Place command

  • Impulse control (waiting at thresholds, eye contact, etc.)

  • Intro to recall and e-collar

  • Public exposure. We will practice the skills out in public parks, stores, hiking trails, etc.

  • And more! This is tailored to whatever the owners are needing help with

    Day Training can last anywhere from 4-8 weeks, it all depends on what specifically we are working on and how many days a week the dog comes. Once we feel the dog is ready, we then do sessions with the owners to show them what we have been working on so that they can begin practicing at home!

    We do not take on behavioral issues in day training, that would be referred to our board and train program as there is just too much to work on that this program is not designed for.

    Cost is $65/day and $55 for private session with the owners (plus tax).